In view of recent happenings, our priority as a nation comes to a huge questioning. For the average Ghanaian, the word ‘priority’ has no meaning.

Imagine parents in a typically poor home, borrowing money just to buy a piece of funeral cloth. To attend this funeral, they have to travel several kilometers. Somewhat, and rather miraculously, they find ways and means to raise this money for the journey. Meanwhile back at home in the local school, the children of these parents owe school fees.

Imagine the lengths people go to buy cellphones. Even when money for rent or utilities is a problem, we always find a way out. What about the prepaid cards for these cellphones? Interestingly, in our communities, money for food can sometimes be a problem, but when it comes  to money for phone card, your guess is as good as mine.

In Ghana today, people engage in all sorts of trivialities. For the younger ones, it is all about fashion. This is to the extent that children in poor homes, participate in this indulgence. Some are even forced to steal just to feel a part of this social niche.

Some fathers would invest their money at drinking spots, consuming several gallons of alcohol, rather than invest in their children’s future. When it comes to the mothers, it is about hairstyles and clothing.
That is the picture of the Ghanaian. And so not surprising at the trend in our political environment! From my window, I see Ghana as a country with no priorities! Even when we claim to have priorities, they are not set right!

For some time now, this country has been talking about economic hardships and lack of adequate funding or sponsorship and yet, I see wastage each day! If Ghana could spend over $ 3 million dollars on soccer, then we have a problem! I am sorry to say this, but that does not depict a country facing financial constraints! Ghana has money!

Our utilities services are failing us. And yet, Ghana saw it prudent to throw away $ 3 million dollars on football appearance fees. We spent much more on accommodation and feeding for the players and officials, supporters, to mention but few when all around us in our various cities and villages, this money could have been well-spent.

Several communities lack potable water. Several communities lack adequate health infrastructure, if any. Several others, lack good roads, schools, utilities, to mention but a few. Imagine what a million dollar could do for a village, and yet, we spent $ 3 million dollars on football! We lavished this amount on already wealthy people! As to how and why Ghana would continue to entertain such frivolities, I can only wonder.
And yet, we go a-borrowing each time we need to kick-start a project! I wish the international community would be bold enough to question our priorities during such times.

When the national youth employment project was started, some of us saw that as a nice opportunity for job creation especially among the youth. Rather sadly today, it is a program that most of us would prefer not to even mention. The whole purpose of this initiative was ruined completely. Today, the structures for its operation lie abandoned. Vehicles and machinery, ordered under the initiative sits idle. As what will happen to them eventually, your guess is as good as mine. What are Ghana’s priorities?

On our roads, the practice pot-hole patching and temporal resurfacing raises huge questions. After a heavy downpour, these gullies or potholes re-appear. The roads become far worse than they initially were. How much would have really gone into the actual construction of these roads, compared to the periodic patching?

Each year, the rains come, and with these rains come the floods. Each year, properties and lives get destroyed or taken. And yet, as always, Ghana sits and waits! How much could this country have saved if only we have taken it upon ourselves to work on our drainage structures? Most communities in Ghana lack proper drainage! And yet around us, we claim to have imposters, serving as Assembly men, DCEs, MPs, to mention but a few, all spending our money without earning it. Do we have any priorities in this nation?

Budgets are read, funds are allocated, but in the end, the purposes are not achieved. And yet, the monies get squandered! Interestingly, they return to us, asking for more! More for wastage? Until this nation, her people, and her leadership learn to manage or optimize the use of her resources, we will keep on this charade of growth and development. Ghana must wise up. We must learn to prioritize the use of our resources.

Do you have any priorities?

Anna Esi Hanson (;


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