It is obvious
that the election petition is having grave repercussions on the economy of Ghana.
As a person working within the
construction industry, I can feel the impact rather directly. Most contracts
and projects are all pending! Most construction companies in Ghana are
suffering! Workers within the industry are underemployed; people sit idle at
work each day, because there is nothing to be done! Business has slowed down
dramatically. Jobs are on hold for fear of the consequence of the election
petition. A greater proportion of workers have been laid off, and it still
continues. Workers are generally living in fear of the next day because they do
not know when they would be in line for eviction.
Most contracts
are pending because companies and potential investors, especially foreign, are
unwilling to sign new contracts for the reason of the unknown; uncertainty. National
stability is a key in any investment and business. No one would want to invest
in a nation, which seems to be balancing on a scale of uncertainty. None knows
who judgment might favour. And so, all live in wait. All are watching keenly. None
wants to fall victim to a judgment debt saga! No one wants to be a second
The issue of
underemployment or unemployment pertains in all sectors of the economy, and so,
Ghanaians are complaining. Business is slow! There are no jobs! There is no
money! In our markets, sales have declined, because there is no money.
interestingly, it is as though our honourable leaders and politicians are
unaware. Nothing is being done to boost this rapidly declining economy. We need
an intervention of some sort. We need money. We need jobs. What is our
leadership doing to make things better?
For a fact, the
election petition is having its toll on the economy. Of course, we all
acknowledge the importance of the whole procedure in the area of transparency
and accountability. But the question now is: How long until judgment? How long
must we wait until the judgment is declared? How long must we sit idle,
unemployed or underemployed, until things return to normalcy? How many more
months would the country be in court?
We need normalcy
for prospective investors. We need normalcy for stability. We need our country
back in order to ensure our growth and development. At the moment, everything
seems to be at a standstill! Productivity in this country has rapidly declined.
How long must Ghanaians endure the repercussions of the election petition? This
is a question from all Ghanaians to our leaders?
I would want to
believe that the whole election results re-battle is truly for the sake of
promoting democracy, as has been publicly and widely acclaimed, and not solely
for the selfish interest of someone or some people. We can to some extent feel
the impact of this whole process on our nation’s economy, and do hope that such
a somewhat unfortunate incidence, does not repeat itself because Ghana is
beyond us all. Ghana continues paying the price for the atrocities that have
been committed by her people. Ghanaians ought to start thinking beyond
themselves, by putting the nation first.
Let us not
create turmoil, where there is not. For a fact, the whole world is watching us.
Ghana is a country that has found herself sandwiched between warzones, but has
always managed to remain steadfast. That is our pride as a nation. Let us not
take it for granted. The price of peace is negligible, when compared to the
price of war or chaos. Let us not take our harmony for granted as a nation.
We need our
nation back. We need to steer this nation back on the track of progression, and
not retrogression. Ghana needs us all! Our supreme court ought to fast-track
the election petition because prolonging it, would kill this nation, rather
than serve anything good. In Ghana today, most businesses and business plans,
are created, with the election petition in focus. I am even sure that in
parliament, most proceedings are taken with respect to the election petition.
Whatever plans being made, are being done with the election petition in focus.
The judgement is the focus. Most business negotiations now have a common
condition; ‘if’.
By far, the
negatives of the election petition seem to be outweighing the positives...
Anna Esi Hanson
(nnhanson2@yahoo.com); esociocomm.blogspot.com
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