"Ghana is our country. We have nowhere to go. This is where God has placed us and the earlier we realized this the better for all of us." Ako Adjei
Most Ghanaians live in oblivion! Selective oblivion perhaps! We are oblivious to the fact that Ghana is not moving! Ghana needs to rise above her presumptuous middle age development status! I am doubtful of our economic status, because whenever I look around me, and whenever I consider our economic predicaments and perhaps level of institutionalization and professionalism in this nation, one thing becomes clear, Ghana has a long way to go! We live in self-professed or self-acclaimed glory!
Our leaders tell us; oh, Ghana is doing great! All is well! The economy is growing! We are not doing badly at all! Inflation has been constant or stable, and then, the gullible Ghanaian believes! We take solace in their words!
What is your standard of living? How much can you comfortably spend a day in this country? Most salaried workers count each single day to the end of the month! It is a continuous struggle however the qualification! Should that be the case, considering the wealth of this nation?
I am tired of the frequent strike actions! Simply because our governments are always looking for ways of ripping us off! I am tired of the stories of youth unemployment! Simply because the country is failing to be self-sufficient! I am tired of the frequent shortages in basic amenities and utilities; power cuts, water shortages, fuel and gas shortages! I am tired of hearing stories about child mortality, maternal mortality, and the inadequacies in our health delivery! Again, I am tired of the usual stories of inadequate educational infrastructure, liaised with the unrealistic cut-off points by our institutions, a deliberate attempt to reduce the numbers of entrants into our various institutions! Access to basic goods and services in this beloved nation of ours, is still a nightmare! And yet, we get excited, whenever we are told the elusive stories of our progress! A snail pace! The works of mediocre minds!
It is quite clear that our democratically elected leaders have no will! The will to correct the canker, reeking in our society! The will to enforce the law and kill corruption! Our dictators however, exhibited much more will than they are credited for!
Having a will or willpower means having a spirit, force, motivation, strength of character, determination, resolve or self control! Can we therefore say that this beautiful country of ours, with a population of over 24million people, cannot boast of people with the above qualities? Are we then saying that none of our leaders have such qualities? If so, Ghanaians need to seriously reconsider the qualities by which we elect our leaders!  Because from all indications, most of us lack self control! That is why Ghana is beset by so many problems!
God gave us all a will! It is either you chose to be good, or you chose to be bad! It is either you are law-abiding, or lawless! Can we therefore not say no to corruption? Can we therefore not ensure that we carry out our individual national assignments or jobs as we might prefer to call it? Can Ghana ever boast of a democratically elected leader who is actually willing to fight corruption and preserve the rule of law? All we see are leaders, who are willing to compromise on the truth! We are willing to bend the rules! Why must we always veer off our course; can our leaders for once stay on course in securing the national agenda, if any?
The marks of a developed nation, or its secret, lies in the rule of law! It lies within their institutions! As a nation, Ghana is always quick to embrace new policies and other legal frameworks! Perhaps, only to keep herself abreast with the times; like fashion! When it comes to the implementation however, their lies the shame!
The rationale behind most policies and legal frameworks has been trivialized in this nation! I am sometimes surprised whenever I am told that certain clauses or legislative instruments or laws exist in our constitution! This is because they are not being used! They are all gathering dust in our constitution!
We know of the stories of the struggle for independence; as a nation, and as a people, what have we learnt from these stories? They are stories of great men and women, who fought for our liberation. They had a will to make a difference! Today in Ghana, Ghanaians are trading off their liberties! We are trading off our liberation! It is because we lack the will to do things for ourselves! We sit and watch as foreigners take over our industries because in truth, we are incapable! We have no will!
Ako Adjei once said; ‘Ghana is our country. We have nowhere to go. This is where God has placed us and the earlier we realized this, better for all of us.’ What do those words mean to you?
Anna Esi Hanson (, Takoradi;


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