far has the African progressed since independence? Not so far, would be the
appropriate answer! As a Ghanaian, and an African, I would proudly defend my nation
and continent whenever an opportunity presents itself but how much can I really
boast of? What much can I defend? How far has my country progressed since
independence? How far has Africa progressed since its liberation? How liberated
are we, in the first place?
our various history books, the story of the struggle for independence by our
forefathers has always been a strong point. For most of us, in reading these
literature, our hearts boil with determination; the determination to make a
change just us others did in the past. Sadly, whenever we look around us, we do
not see much progress after all those years of struggle. Each day, by our own
actions and perhaps inactions, we nullify the struggle and the sacrifices made
by our founding fathers! The story of the underdevelopment, poverty, famine,
diseases, the unending war, and suffering of our people within the continent
and perhaps in our various homes are the surest indications of our failure as a
continent. Rather sadly however, most people seize to notice this fact or
perhaps, do, but their inner pride has become a blindfold.
social story and history books tell of fearless and selfless leaders who
sacrificed their lives for a greater good. They sacrificed their comfort, and
underwent discomfort to ensure our comfort. This comfort however was not
secured because several years down the lane, the continent is retrogressing
instead of progressing. Ghana and for that matter, Africa is one of the most
resourced, if not the most resourced continent. We have been endowed with
several natural resources to the envy of all. With all these resources however,
nothing much has been achieved. People still live in slums! People still hunger
and thirst! Diseases are killing us! Poor sanitation has become a canker! And
yet, our leaders fail to notice! To him that much is given, much is expected!
How much have we achieved? With all our mineral wealth, we still live in
poverty, and suffer deprivation! With all our human resources, we still hunger
and thirst!
thing is certain in the wake of the uncertainty that surrounds this continent.
Our leaders have failed us! Although most people share these sentiments, we
fail to capture the bigger picture. In our own ways as leaders, we have
contributed to the destitute that surrounds us. Our personal interests have
overshadowed the group or collective interest. The bid for power or governance
by our leaders and politicians alike, have always been with the primary aim of
satisfying their own hunger, and quenching their own thirst. Our leaders are
channeling the wealth of our nation, and continent into their own pockets. In
the bid for power, our leaders promise us heaven but in the end, hell is just a
silly excuse! While the ordinary citizen prays for a simple roof over their
heads, our leaders build up huge mansions for themselves and amass wealth.
Whiles the ordinary citizen struggles for a decent meal in a day, our leaders
wallow in gluttony! Whiles the average citizen labours hard to pay taxes, our
leaders squander our taxes! On the campaign platforms, the angelic voices of
our leaders, for some people, their saviours, bring courage and comfort to the
hopeless but as soon as the campaign is over and power is handed obtained, the
story ends. These people are replaced by traitors!
in the end has the essence of liberation been if we are not that liberated? On
our own grounds, we cannot enjoy our own fundamental rights and privileges!
Colonialism has been replaced by neocolonialism! All these have as expected,
been championed by our own leaders and ourselves! Huge deals are made every day
on the account of the nation and yet in the end, the ordinary citizen enjoys no
benefits from these! How many of us can in truth challenge any policy on
governance at our individual workplaces or even homes? We still live in fear!
How free can we be without financial freedom? Can we be truly liberated if we
live in poverty? We cannot boast of good healthcare facilities, educational infrastructure,
accommodation, and good roads, to mention but a few. Yet, our honourable
leaders spend our resources to flourish their own businesses, sponsor their
children for international education, and build huge mansions, all on our
is indeed disturbing these days when we listen to stories of misappropriation
of funds, embezzlement, bribery, and corruption in most governmental
institutions, and by our politicians. These involve whooping sums of monies
that could be used for the development of our nation, and continent. Indeed,
politics is a game and just like the origin of the word; most of our leaders
are blood sucking ticks!
citizens, we need not wait for our leaders to get our desired lifestyles. We
need to look within ourselves and work tirelessly to secure our future and
ensure our wealth. This is a wakeup call to the youth of our dear nation. The
words of our leaders are in most cases, mere words of a common man. The power
he posses over us, in the end, is given to him by us! We therefore have the
power to make good on our own. Instead of putting so much hope in our leaders,
let us look within ourselves to reach success!
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