How far has the African progressed since independence? Not so far, would be the appropriate answer! As a Ghanaian, and an African, I would proudly defend my nation and continent whenever an opportunity presents itself but how much can I really boast of? What much can I defend? How far has my country progressed since independence? How far has Africa progressed since its liberation? How liberated are we, in the first place? In our various history books, the story of the struggle for independence by our forefathers has always been a strong point. For most of us, in reading these literature, our hearts boil with determination; the determination to make a change just us others did in the past. Sadly, whenever we look around us, we do not see much progress after all those years of struggle. Each day, by our own actions and perhaps inactions, we nullify the struggle and the sacrifices made by our founding fathers! The story of the underdevelopment, poverty, famine, diseases, the une...