I cannot quite remember the exact time and date when construction of the western region’s cultural center began but I can recall that even in my senior secondary school days, the structure was still under construction. That was about seven years ago and clearly considering the stage at which the structure was in, it might have started a couple of years before that. From the little information I gathered, that would be about ten years and even beyond. Yes, the structure has been under construction for about ten years and up till date, has not been fully completed.
In Ghana, we have a culture of abandonment when it comes to the construction of state-owned and funded structures. When governments commence work on the construction of various structures and are unable to complete during their tenure of office, that becomes the end of that story. The structure sits there for years notwithstanding the stage of construction. Several structures and projects have been abandoned with some near completion throughout the country and although people talk about it, nothing seems to be done about it. Although the current government has made an effort to correct this, the issue still needs to be addressed.
Construction of the western region’s cultural center started years ago and till date, construction has not been completed. The facility has been used over and over again in its uncompleted state and no one seems to care. Huge sums of monies have been paid as fees for the use of the place and yet, no one knows where these monies have been channeled to. Various politicians, governmental, and non-government agencies have all patronized the premise for various functions but no one has cared enough to pursue and ensure that construction of the structure is completed. Gradually, the signs of failure of the structure can be seen. Aesthetically, it is not pleasing since the painting works among others are obviously unfinished.
In structural engineering and consequently, in the design of structures, a structure has a proposed design life and when construction has been completed, it is expected that the particular structure functions adequately as was designed. When that does not happen, we say the structure has failed. Clearly with the progress of construction factoring the exposure conditions, it can be said that the western region cultural center is headed for failure. If the project is not completed, this structure would fail in a few years to come, short of its design life.
We can attest to the state of some regional cultural centers within the country notable the center for regional culture in Cape Coast, the Kumasi cultural center, the National Theatre in Accra, among others. All these are completed projects which attest to their aesthetic beauty and functional responsibility.
In the construction of all state or public facilities, the tax-payer’s money finances all these. Are we then being fair to the ordinary tax-payer and ourselves if we fail to pursue and ensure the completion of all projects set out for our collective interests? Picture the ordinary citizen who has to pay tax out of the meager salary of his or her labour; are we being fair to ourselves if monies deducted as taxes are not being put to good use?
Throughout the country, the remnants of abandoned structures from the past can be sighted at in various regions and locations. These include schools, hospitals, housing facilities, offices, factories and several others. A visit to these places would reveal facilities in perfect conditions from several decades. It is often ironic to sight an uncompleted structure within the confines or on the compound of a congested facility e.g. a school, hospital, etc. Often times, we ask ourselves why these structures have been abandoned or who is responsible but have no answers.
On our roads, we often sight several toll booths that have been positioned at various sections to charge vehicle owners as road user fees. These monies are supposed to be channeled towards the maintenance of our roads but what do we often see? Several stretch of deplorable roads harbouring a lot of potholes, perhaps manholes. Is it then surprising when we encounter road accidents although it is common for most people to blame drivers for any road accident that occurs.
As citizens, we ought to be involved in every activity that takes place and always seek to ensure that our interests are served at all times. Instead of spending time on unnecessary details in our political domain, we ought to monitor the activities and progress of any state-owned project within our jurisdictions and even beyond. As citizens, it is our right and also, our responsibilities to ensure that our limited resources are utilized efficiently and effectively at all times for the growth of our nation and our own selves.
Several state-owned factories in good conditions have been abandoned and yet we often and constantly complain about unemployment and even talk about ways of solving this problem. Several schools and hospital projects have remained unfinished and yet we complain about congestion and unavailability and even made plans of constructing new ones. Several road projects have been abandoned and yet we complain about the poor nature of our roads and are even planning of constructing new ones. How ironic!
Even in our various churches and religious affiliations, this same trend exists. The congregation constantly pays taxes in the form of tithe, collection, harvest monies, fundraisers, and several others but does not directly benefit from them. People struggle on a daily basis but always manage to pay their tithes diligently as an act of faith for these monies to be squandered anyhow in the end. In our churches can be found the poorest of the poor without any helper. The sickest of the sick can be found without any one to provide medical assistance. The homeless of the homeless can be found without any one to provide shelter. The most naked of the naked can be found without any one to provide clothes. The hungriest of the hungry can be found without any food. What is religion all about? What is the focus? Should religion not be a way of life? Instead, in our churches these days, we find greedy spiritual leaders who only think about enriching themselves. All they do is to constantly demand more from the congregation who barely has enough. Where all the monies being collected day in and day out, especially on our worship days? Where does the tithe go? Would these contributions not be put to good use if channeled at improving the lives of worshipers? Our churches should also be accountable! Charity begins at home!
Our politicians and opinion leaders owe it to us to ensure the smooth and timely execution of each project they set out to achieve. We ought to keep to our words. Our politicians make promises all the time without actually understanding the meaning and gravity of whatever words come out of their mouths. It is high time we learnt and understood that we are bound by whatever we say. We shall all make accounts at the right time. Posterity will surely be the judge! Let us learn to be responsible and accountable.
What then becomes the essence of paying taxes or tithes if our monies are not being utilized efficiently and responsibly? Is it even necessary to keep on paying taxes? If paying tithe in church is an act of gratitude to God, would it then not glorify Him the more when the money is put to good use in improving the life of someone?
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