It was lunch break, and so as we left site for the closest town, Agona Nkwanta, for lunch, all we did was fantasize about the meal ahead. As we hit the main road, we sat in anticipation. Moving further and further, our stomachs rumbled and churned at an increasing pace, and with increasing intensity. Until... Further down the road, a long build-up of traffic was spotted , amid a thick mass of smoke. Alarmed and yet hopeful, devoid of any negativity, we drew closer, joining the trail of vehicles that had already built up. Curious, we got out, to realize that our dream would be almost squashed. Ahead of us, about a 100m away was an accident between a tipper truck, and a Kia truck carrying a huge pile of logs. The vehicles were in a headlock with smoke emanating from one. As a result of the collision, the road had been blocked. No vehicle could move, either to, or fro! Our joy died out immediately. Our reverie, crinkled. Of course, the hunger remained. ...