Like most years, and for most of us, the years past have all been virtually the same, except for the fact that we grow in age and draw closer to the end. We grow grey hairs, but do not reflect it; wisdom fails us. Our attitudes and behaviors remain the same. In actual fact, it gets worse! The thieves devise new strategies-petty thieves turn to armed-robbers, the poor gets poorer, diseases thrive, unsavory sanitary conditions worsen, lawlessness increase, the lazy gets lazier, children get rudder, corruption increasingly becomes a virtue! Yes, for most of us, our new year's resolution lasts only a week; the first week of the year. Positive change seems almost impossible! And so with each passing year, things only worsen around us. Lands are fast being eaten up by filth, our water bodies are becoming more polluted, our drains are continually being choked, the potholes on our roads are turning into manholes, buildings are becoming death traps, unemployment rates spinning out of contro...