These days when I ponder over events in this nation, I am at a loss. For a while now, I have not been able to bring myself to putting my thoughts on paper because I am filled with disappointment. I am disappointed at a country, which seems to be spinning, with no purpose. I am disappointed at a country, in which leadership is clueless as to how to manage its affairs. I am disappointed at a country, which is in crises, and yet, citizens seem only interested in mere talks and politics. I am most of all disappointed at a country, which seems to have all the God-given resources any nation can ever wish for, in terms of natural and human resources, and yet prefers to wallow in poverty! On our airwaves, it is one discussion, after the other. The battle of words! The battle of grammar! The battle of insults! The battle of political parties! I guess our various radio stations seem not to have anything else to offer. They rather prefer to fuel anger and insults! Can this n...