Today in Ghana, all are reaping the hard fruits our labour; for some, the hard fruits of the labour of our predecessors or forefathers. Posterity would always be the judge. In our own ways, we are better judges of the state of Ghana today. If you do not like what you see in Ghana today, that is the same picture we are all painting for posterity. I am not here to talk about how bad our economy is, and further point accusing fingers. I am only here to call on all of us, awake, or asleep, to be on guard. For whatever we are going through, , we are all accountable, as citizens. Ghanaians must be held accountable. Ghana must be held accountable! From time immemorial, it has always been Ghana’s practice of soliciting for aid. Why must we keep on begging? How long we would continue with this rather unfortunate practice? Our sponsors are all experiencing a global recession; who do we turn to now in the midst of these crises? Each day, it becomes more obvious. Why do we call this natio...