I had a good laugh the first time I heard this phrase. It had been written behind a vehicle. Position is not property; what could it really mean? But by and by, each day, this word keeps getting meaning. Whenever I consider several issues affecting our society, I cannot help but side with the originator of this phrase. Position is not property! Let us take a critical look at our noble continent Africa, and the world at large. We keep encountering all sorts of leadership, better called, dictators, and each time, we cannot help but ask ourselves if it is worth it at all. Why should people go through all kinds of abuse, attacks, or oppressions, just to hold on to power? Is it really worth it? Is it in any case by force, as most of us would bluntly put it? Is it by force? After all, position is not property! For some people however, position is by all standards, a property! Position in this case represents a social status; a leadership position. It can be a leadership positi...