You know the feeling of gross disappointment, whenever you realize that the perpetrator of a hideous offense, is an older person. Like when you realize that the traffic offense you just witnessed, was committed by an older person, of sound mind, and body. Again, it is quite disappointing, when you encounter an older person, who exhibits gross rudeness or disrespect to others, especially a younger person. Our Ghanaian customs, and perhaps natural order, requires so much from our elders, especially in behavior. In as much as the younger ones are expected to accord elders with respect, this same social norm, requires our elders to carry themselves with comportment. In Ghana today, one thing is becoming quite glaring. The social norm of elders, serving as good example to the older ones, seems to be fast tilting. They are failing us. Considering the kind of stories or scandals we keep hearing on a daily basis, some of our elders, are a disappointment. For the youth, certain...